Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Communist Manifesto in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D...

In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger depicts a narration of Holden Caulfield’s encounters. Holden is portrayed as a high school student that is judgmental towards adults while kinder to the youth. Holden does not want to grow up and he thinks that if one is approaching adulthood, one will turn into a phony. Holden’s leniency towards younger people, such as his sister, is because of his dilemma of growing up or not, his distaste for adult phonies, and his own childhood. Holden’s dislike for adult phonies causes him to not want to enter adulthood. Holden fears that if he enters adulthood, he will become a phony, which he loathes. While Holden is listening to Mr. Spencer’s lecture, his mind wanders: â€Å"If a boy’s mother was sort†¦show more content†¦Throughout the entire book, Holden perceives many adults as â€Å"phonies†. Holden is reluctant to enter adulthood because he cherishes his childhood. Through the course of the book, Holden unknowingly symbolizes the ducks in the Central park pond as the two worlds, adulthood and childhood. Holden remarks, â€Å"I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something,† he continues, â€Å"Or if they just flew away† (13). Holden is unsure whether or not to enter adulthood. When Holden is writing the essay for Ackley and chooses the topic of his death brother, Allie, Holden describes his fondness of Allie: â€Å"God, he was a nice kid though† (38). Holden treasures his childhood since his brother was part of it. Holden does not want to enter adulthood because he reminisces his childhood. Holden is affectionate towards his sister and other children in his attempt to save them from adulthood. When Phoebe puts on the red hunting hat on Holden, J.D Salinger emphasizes Holden’s affection towards his sister: â€Å"Then what she did—it damn near killed me—she reached in my coat pocket and took out my red hunting hat and put it on my head† (212). Holden must really care for his sister since it â€Å"damn near killed him†. This is the closest that Holden has gotten to truly expressing his feelings. When Holden asks a girl in the park where Phoebe would be,

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